Heaven Focus
Women's Ministry

The Women’s Ministry of HFM is a global network seeking to equip and empower women and girls to be a compassionate prophetic Christian voice - identifying and addressing the unique needs of women around the world.

May all who love you, be like the sun when it rises in its strength.


Imagine if men and women could contribute equally to serving and leading the Church. How much stronger and healthier the kingdom of God might be?

Now we are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.” 1 Corinthians 12:27 HFM Women’s Ministry, always using Scripture as its guiding principle, has the following objectives: To encourage and model personal study of the Bible and use of the Sacraments so that the gospel message may be proclaimed boldly and clearly in our daily lives To work under the HFM on Adult Discipleship To work together with men to fully understand from Scripture how we are all to serve God To explore scripturally sound opportunities for service in every calling of life from home, to church, to the world To equip women to fulfill their callings To develop fresh approaches to God-pleasing ministries for women To offer a variety of venues for communicating and sharing ideas To thank God for the solid foundation of faith and service he has given to us as an example in the many godly women and men in our congregations who’ve gone before us